was SO amazing to skype with you all! Definitely the BEST Christmas gift. After skyping you guys, we played some card
games with the Elders in the branch house, then went home and made some
American brownies which we ate with vanilla ice cream. DIVINE. Now my comps are
skyping at different members' houses.
This Christmas week was crazy and wonderful:
We extended a
baptismal date for L. for January 25th. He said yes! I really hope it can
all work out... we'll see. I'm a little worried for the law of tithing, which
seems like it would be hard for him. L. actually brought one of his friends to
one of our programs! And then his friend came to Church and was like "that
was the most beautiful mass I've ever been to!" haha! So one more hurrah for investigators that give
you referrals.
we taught Szabolcs and
he was so sweet. He was like "I have a question, it's kind of weird.... I
love my dog a lot. Will I be able to see him in Heaven?" It was so sweet.
We were like "Honestly, we don't know for sure, but I really think
We did more caroling
finding! I got to play the violin too! So
On Tuesday, we
ate at a member's and I literally thought I was going to die from so. much. Food:
fish soup, fruit soup, stuffed cabbage, pork chops, pörkölt over potatoes, and
chocolate cake. Ya. He just kept bringing out plates and plates.
Yesterday was one of
the best Christmas Eves ever! We went to a member’s house and it was SO fun! We
ate fish soup and this Hungarian version of cordon blue and played a bunch of
games, it was so great.
Sunday was also
really great. We had a Christmas concert thing with missionaries and some ward
members singing Christmas songs, and it was really beautiful. I looked out at
Z. in the congregation and saw her crying, it was a really, really touching
moment. We sang Csendes Ej (silent night) as our last song with the
congregation, and i just looked around at all the branch members and Z. and L.
and felt so much love.
Christmas Zone conference
was wonderful. We had a white elephant exchange and watched a slideshow of the
mission, so that was super fun. The trainings were excellent, with the zone
leaders giving this really good training about humility. I have been so humbled
during my mission - trying to speak this language, to teach this people, or to
even get people to listen to me. But it's made me trust in God so much, more
than I ever have in my life. And he has helped me more than I deserve,
constantly turning my weaknesses into strengths.
I just want you all to
know how grateful I am for the Savior Jesus Christ. I know he lives, and that
God truly sent His Son for us because He loves us. Jesus Christ truly is the
greatest gift. I have loved being able to show the Churche’s video to my
investigators, and especially to be able to bear my testimony of the Savior so
much this season. I love him, and I love you all. kellemes ünnepeket.
We also taught K. and
B. They're a couple, and K.'s sister is a missionary in Washington, the only
member in her family. It's cool how we found them... K.'s number was in our
phone, so we called him and set up. The sad thing is, both of them will be
leaving to live in Dublin, Ireland :( But, one of the other missionaries from
this branch is actually serving in Dublin right now! So that would be super
cool if they could meet still! Anyway, we teach them 1/2 English and 1/2 about
the Gospel. For the Gospel part, we watched the Restoration video, and it's
actually the first time I've showed it to an investigator. Anyway, I felt the Spirit really strongly as we were
watching it. After, I bore my testimony of how I know Joseph Smith is a true
prophet. As I said those words, "I truly know Joseph Smith was a Prophet,”
tears welled up in my eyes and I felt the Spirit strongly testifying of these
things. I told them I know this because I prayed and REALLY wanted to know. And
that they can know these things for themselves too, if they also pray with a
sincere heart to know the truth, because God always answers to those who seek.
And, I don't know, there was just something in their eyes that seemed like they
also knew, too, that what I was saying was true. So that was a really great
program, and, even though they will soon be in Ireland, I hope they can
continue to meet with the missionaries there, and that they really WILL try to
know for themselves.
Also another
miracle... our water heater got fixed!!!! so now we aren't freezing in our
apartment! Woohoo! Haha!
Finally, a really
meaningful part of the week: we went to mass with one of the Elders’
investigators and it was really good! The priest gave a beautiful talk about
loving each other. He told a story of a woman who was a teacher, and one of her
young student’s mother died. The teacher realized she needed to then teach with
love. The student grew up to be a very successful student and doctor, because
of the example of the teacher. I really liked the hymns we sang, and at the end
of the mass, the organist played what I'm pretty sure was a Handel sonata or
something? I don't know what it's called, but it's a pretty famous organ piece.
So as that was playing, we looked at all the stained glass and nativity poster,
and afterward we met the Pastor, so that was just a really nice experience. It
was also really touching to see all the nénis devoutly kneeling and saying the
prayers and singing. It made me grateful that they love God so much and want to
have a relationship with him.
OH! Okay, you guys
HAVE to look this up on youtube: Meglátjátok-e azt a csillagot
It's the video of the Christmas program that we did!! You
can just skip to the parts of us... but watch it! Köszönöm :)
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