Happy 2015! I can't
believe it! About a YEAR ago, I got my mission call to the Hungary, Budapest
mission. And now I'm HERE in the best place in the world, speaking the best
language in the world and talking to the best people in the world. I wouldn't
trade my mission for anything else in the entire world--no matter how stressful
or difficult it is sometimes. This week was a little crazy with transfers and
going up to Budapest. It was really fun though, and it's always fun to go up
and see all my friends, and see Sister K. who is going home in about a month!!
Sister S. said that the really cute old couple in Pápa (who we showed SLC to on
google earth) gave her a book dedicated to her and me with all these pictures
of places in Pápa,
So our L., who is
scheduled for baptism, works a ton and is hard to schedule with, so we're just
kind of moving his date around right now. We've also been trying to get our investigators
to just really DO stuff, like actually come to church, or stay for the whole
time, or whatever. I will say, that can be really stressful and frustrating ---
people's free agency! Haha! But things work out. Pray for L. and that he can
keep progressing!
New Years was also our
p-day, but we literally did nothing except play Settlers of Catan with the
Elders forever, haha. (because nothing is EVER open on holidays here. Because
Hungary.) We heard fireworks like all evening, but couldn't see anything! I
finally saw a few tiny ones from our window, but that was the extent.
We were streeting, and
this woman came up to us and asked us for help in English. Turns out she had
this cute family with her - two little boys and a husband, and they were from
Serbia. They were super cute and nice, and they wanted to know where the mall
was so we walked them there. I talked with the woman about the standards we
live by in our church - Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity stuff. The whole
time I was thinking - "sweet, we'll send a referral to Serbia" but
then I realized there aren't missionaries there :( at least I'm pretty sure...
especially from what the woman was telling me about how much warfare there was
there in the last few years. Anyway, the next day, we were streeting again, and
I saw the family walking away in the other direction, and they probably thought
I was a freak because I just made Sister E. and I run after them and stop them
and say hi, haha! I heard somewhere that, in general, a person has to have 7
interactions with the Mormons before they're willing to listen to the
missionaries? or something like that? Well, anyway, let's hope missionaries
will one day go into Serbia, and that family will remember the weird sister
missionaries that ran after them to say hi, haha!
So I streeted this one
girl who said she would come to church, and called her to try and set up, and
she said she was coming to church once more. Anyway, I didn't think she was
coming, but she DID! And brought her boyfriend!! I think they both liked it,
and it was fast and testimony meeting, which was perfect. After, she asked me
why everyone kept saying "this is the true church". So I kind of
started to teach the Restoration, but we didn't have much time. Hopefully she
and her bf come to the program we set up with them this week!
This morning, we met
with J. in the square, and taught her the Restoration right there on the
street, committing her to read 5 minutes from the Book of Mormon every day. So
that was pretty fun. And, once more, it reminded me of how my mission is so
much like the "Errand of Angels" movie, right down to the little
details like meeting with people by statues in the town square. I love
missionary life.
I love you guys so
much!! Have a nagyszerű week!!
JAN 12:
Sziasztok! This week
was interesting with a lot of downs but a lot of ups, too. It was cool to see
this week how, when some things don't work out, God always helps other things
work out.
One day, we went to
look up this one lady we had met on the street. We went to the apartment where
she lived, and there was this lady there and we were like "hey is there an
M. who lives here?" She responded, "I don't know any M. I'm not
familiar with her." And right when I heard her voice I knew that SHE was M!
Haha! So we left the building and called M., and we heard the phone immediately
ring in one of the apartments, haha! It was kinda frustrating, but mostly just
We had our last
meeting with K. and B. We taught about 1/2 of the Plan of Salvation, and again,
the Spirit was strong. All their lessons have been really spiritual! I think B.
is ready for this. K. probably needs more time. But they're going to keep
meeting with the missionaries in Dublin, so I really hope things can go well
for them.
Okay, so one day we
got dogged again and I was pretty annoyed. But this lady came up to the branch
house, and she wanted to know about English class. Then she started asking
about the family history center and said that she had just been at her friend's
house and that her friend was really interested in family history. The other
day, a different man came up to the branch house and was also talking about how
he was really interested in knowing about his family history! So that was
really cool to see how family history interested these people! Hopefully more
about them in the future too...
The members held a
Szilveszter party, or a New Year’s party in which we had karaoke and games and
food and it was really fun! I didn't know Hungarians are WAY into karaoke, haha!
They would play these 60s and 80s Hungarian songs and everyone would know all
the lyrics, haha, iIncluding sweet L, our investigator. Speaking of L.-- he
also accepted the law of chastity and he brought his friends! We're teaching
them today – A., who has 2 daughters, and then A.'s brother. Basically, at the
party, A was saying, "We want to be a part of this organization, like if
there’s like a baptism or something", and we responded, "Ya, we're
actually preparing L. for baptism right now" and she said, "I would
like to be baptized" and her brother said "me too". UM. WHAT??
Is this real life?!?! So that was crazy! --- I hope!! Also at the party, one of
our English class members came. I always thought he was super great and would
be such an awesome member, but we all just assumed the missionaries had already
tried with him and he wasn't interested. Anyway, I asked him, "Have you
already met with the missionaries personally?" He responded, "I don't
know what you're talking about?" I was like "Ya, we meet with people
and teach about our church" Him: "Oh, I didn't know that!" Me:
"Would you be interested in that?" Him (I was bracing myself for him
to say no): "Ya, I'm really interested in what you guys believe! One of my
classmates asked me what the Mormons believe, and I said 'I don't know, but I
love the Mormons!" I was SO happy!!!
And yes, the new
mission president coming in July is Hungarian!! So I bet it will be really
awesome to have a Hungarian mission president, but will be sad to loose
President Smith for sure though. We all love him so much.
This week was really
good! We met standard goals for the first time on my mission. Don't get me
wrong... numbers aren't important. But we still celebrated by making a package
of my American brownies and listening to Handel's Messiah (the missionary party
life if you know what I'm sayin.)
Transfers are next
week. I'm freaking out. I DO NOT want to leave Szeged. Egy általán nem. Not at
all. Soha. Never. Ughhhh but I'm probably going to :( I'm so sad. I LOVE IT HERE!!!!!!!! :( But it's God's work, not mine.
SO. we asked L/ if he's been living the Word of Wisdom and he said yes! We asked, "Do you drink coffee?" and, it was so cute, he was like, "I don't need to! I just sleep, and I'm not tired!" We also committed him to move out of his girlfriend’s apartment, and he has several options for where he can live. It's been so cool to see that we, the missionaries, have really done very little to prepare L. for baptism -- God is totally the one behind it all.
Getting dogged is
literally my least favorite thing in the entire world. But, like Sister E.
always says, whenever we get dogged, it just means there is someone we're
supposed to find. We found a woman after we got dogged who was really
interested in the Book of Mormon! Then, another time we got dogged (an hour
before English class), a girl shows up like 1/2 an hour before class and we
showed her around the branch house. I asked her if she'd like to learn about
our church with us and she responded, "Sure! I love learning about the
world!" Just some of the miracles we see every single day.
Also we had Zone
Training here in Szeged and it was really good--about change and repentance.
Honestly, before my mission I never really understood repentance. I understood
that we do it, and that we can receive forgiveness. But now I know that
Repentance is CHANGE. It's not just telling God we're sorry and that we want to
do better - although that's the huge, first step. It's about using the
Atonement to literally change ourselves, even if it's just changing the
littlest of things. I just got a letter from Sarah she quoted Levi on his
mission ... i LOVE what he said: "You don't have to do something wrong to
change. Sometimes change just means becoming better." Like L. not drinking
coffee anymore, or M. and Z. coming to the other classes of church. Sometimes
we don't know why we need to change, but when we have the faith in God, we
really see how our change makes a difference in our lives and it's really
beautiful. I know as a missionary, when I've tried to change just the slightest
bit - work a little bit harder or whatever... I just see these huge miracles that
I don't even deserve. But I guess it's not a matter of deserving, it's a matter
of God being God, being our Father in Heaven who loves us and wants to make us
happy. I say that to people all the time every day. Saying it is one thing.
Living it and seeing it is a different, life-changing thing.